hard drive woes

Bradley Miller bradmiller at dslonramp.com
Fri Nov 22 03:40:38 CST 2002

Yes, I think it's the "propensity to b*tch" that earmarks products for all
to be leery of.  I wanted a decent multi-function printer/scanner/copier
type machine and the Lexmark X83 was my choice after exhaustive studies.
Now I look through and see tons of "what a peice of poo" type messages.
*Sigh*  It would really be *helpful* to know how many of a certain product
are out on the market vs. how many are being complained about.  

How do you truly evaluate someone's "it's crap" type rantings?  Ok, there
might be something with a swanky harddrive causing a cheapo power supply to
flucuate that then causes it's early demise.  (I'm reaching here, but hear
me out.)  Buying another drive may lower the amperage hit and then the
cheapo power supply keeps the new drive happy.  

(I'm all for knowing all the facts . . . like do Ford Explorers really
turnover more often?  Well, whether they do or not, if more people drive
them then more rollovers will occur.  Do they have a higher rollover rate
than other brands because more people are driving them or is it because
they get a higher percentage of less skilled SUV operators?  Think about it
. . . )

-- Bradley Miller

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