php/apache/mysql... it's all good

Eric Rossiter rossiter at
Tue Nov 19 03:01:41 CST 2002

Evening LugNuts...

Just wanted to thank everyone who tried to give me a hand getting this

Worked out a couple pieces at the ILUG meeting on Sat. morning.  Thank
you Aaron, for your assistance, and for donating your time and space.

Figured out the last piece Sat. evening.  Apache was interpreting php
pages, but still couldn't PHP-Nuke to run.

Whenever I tried to get the admin or index.php page, Mozilla would give
me a pop-up window reporting:

Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested

Konqueror would give me a page containing:

An error occured while loading http://localhost/admin.php:

Found a cyclic link in http://localhost/index.php


On a whim, tried to fire up Php-MyAdmin and got the following error:


MySQL said:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Now that's something I can work with.... I checked /etc/my.cnf and the
socket file was defined as follows:


I added a line:


commented out the other one, restarted mysqld and we're good to go!!!

PhpMyAdmin runs, and so does PHP-Nuke.

Hope maybe this helps someone else.  Thanks everyone!!


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