For some reason, this just appeals to my sense of justice

zscoundrel zscoundrel at
Fri Nov 15 18:08:21 CST 2002

Why don't we put something like this up on the archive server?  I saw it 
on the source forge newsletter and it just appeals to my sense of justice.

* Spam-X 2.0
Spam-X is a very unique and effective proactive approach to spammers. 
Not only does it act as a spambot tarpit by trapping a spambot into 
requesting page after page of random, fake email addresses, it also acts 
as though it were on a very slow link by taking a full minute to send 
each page of sixty random mailto: links. It outputs extremely minimal 
HTML in an effort to minimize its bandwidth impact, while at the same 
time allowing you to flood a visiting spambot's database with thousands 
of worthless email addresses and consume a great deal of the spambot's 
time. Placing a small or hidden link to the Spam-X script above any 
valid mailto: links on your site will hopefully trap the visiting 
spambot and prevent it from actually harvesting your valid email addresses.

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