Hardware Job

Jared Smith jared at trios.org
Wed Nov 6 15:04:35 CST 2002

I used to work for Grafton. They are really nice folks who
treated me better than I deserved. I recommend 'em for
anyone, since they work the whole range from warehouse
workers to high-end paralegal and computer specialists.

I think I'll go reregister with them, (it's been a few years) though 
I personally cannot drive to Topeka every day for this particular
job. Thanks for the tip, Zach.

>If anyone that is looking for a job with computers and is willing to
>compromise and work with M$, Grafton Inc. is hiring for a position in
>Topeka KS doing hardware and software support on site. This is not a
>Helpdesk position. This person is effectively infrastructure/desktop
>technology for a science research center on the outside of Topeka. Grafton
>is a technology firm based out of KCK. www.graftoninc.com. Call there KCK
>headquarters to setup a time to apply. If you speak with Janette or Jody,
>tell them I sent you and I get a referral bonus. I do the same thing as
>what you would be doing, only I work at the corporate HQ and this is at the
>Science and Tech facility. You work alone and only report to one person.
>Let me know if anyone of you decide to apply.
>Zach Bullard

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