Food for Thought

Jason Clinton clintonj at
Tue Nov 5 18:50:41 CST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Marvin GodfatherofSoul Bellamy wrote:
| I've always wondered about alternative solutions to the pornography
| debate.  Make it even simpler, is there a problem with having adult
| sites return a specific meta tag or a header?  Then, filter content
| based on the HTTP response.  I've never played with proxy software,  but
| if this were made law, I don't imagine it would be difficult for
| software manufacturers to make the change.  Let me know if there are any
| holes in this idea.

Who gets to descide what is adult content and what isn't? Will we begin
filtering sites that also include references to violence? (A war on violence
sounds like much better waste of time than a war on pr0n.) What about 'virtual
pr0n' and sex stories?

Here's an idea: How about humanity accepts sexuality as a natural part of being
a living being and stop attempting to 'protect' us from ourselves. I could start
on a long rant about how repression leads to fetishism and paraphilia or how the
guilt instilled in childred about their sexuality exacerbates the already
horrible problems with teenage's self-image in our society but where would that
get us but a flame war?

+ Insightful

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