Linux case badges

Gerald Combs gerald at
Tue May 14 19:02:58 CDT 2002

Cool!  In a similar vein, does anyone know where I can lay my hands on
some small (<= 1" x 1") Linux penguin stickers?  I want something to put
beside the "Intel Inside" and "Designed for Microsoft Windows XP" stickers
on my laptop.  Places like CyberGuys (  have
raised bump case Penguin badges and the Linux Penguin Sticker Movement
( tells you to buy adhesive
stock and print the stickers yourself.  Neither of these fit my needs.  

I want a flat, little, shiny sticker with a simple Linux penguin mascot
made of environmentally harmful plastic, ink and adhesive.  Is that too
much to ask?

On 14 May 2002, Bill Cavalieri wrote:

> For the stylish nerd :)
> Bill Cavalieri
> bcavalieri at
> VP IT Systems
> 816 880 0066

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