iptables - NAT table

jose sanchez j_r_sanchez at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 7 17:39:05 CDT 2002


Can someone please clear my head on the nat table's
SNAT, DNAT, MASQUERADE. I'm kind of confused.

Please correct if wrong, this is what I understand
about NAT assuming there's a LAN and a DMZ: 

When a packet comes in from the internet (external
interface) requesting a web page (dport 80) I can
forward this request to the web server in the DMZ like

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i <external interface>
-dport 80 -j dnat --to-destination <dmz webserver>

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o <internal interface> -j
dnat --to-destination <dmz webserver>

is this correct?
What is actually confusing me are the PREROUTING,
POSTROUTING, and OUTPUT chains. Pre means before, when
the packet comes into the external interface?

Post means after, after the router/firewall decides is
not intended for the localhost. Then, prepares the
packet to be sent to the server of this service.

Please help me understand these chains since I am
getting ready to start developing a firewall and I
would like to understand what I'm doing...

Thank you in advance for all your help.

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