Marvin Bellamy Marvin.Bellamy at innovision.com
Thu Feb 28 17:43:33 CST 2002

Yeah, admittedly the guy is trying to fill up his "Inbox".  He says 
"leave me alone" then immediately follows up the article with a poll. 
 Duh!  At work, I try to fill in Linux into any available role.  Right 
now, I'm trying to get remote X sessions going.  I'm still pushing for a 
PostgreSQL back-end and I think it looks better if my Linux boxes show 
up when developers use eXcursion to login to Solaris boxes.  But, at 
home I gave up on the Linux experiment.  Just too much work and research 
to do simple things like view AVIs and hear sound.  I do develop on 
Linux at home, though.

Brian Densmore wrote:

>He may have some valid points, but the article is pure flamebait.
>I use Linux at home and nothing else anymore. 
>It's perfectly fine as a desktop, I do everything I need to do. 
>Form listening to cds to bookkeeping to DTP to programming. 
>It still needs a lot of work.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Marvin Bellamy [mailto:Marvin.Bellamy at innovision.com]
>>Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 11:29 AM
>>To: Kclug
>>Subject: Re: KCLUG --> KCMUG?
>>I agree Linux on the desktop is going nowhere right now, but if 
>>developers put some effort into dumbing down Linux for the 
>>average Joe, 
>>then I still think Linux can supplant M$.  Until that becomes a 
>>priority, the Linux community should shut up about the revolution.
>>Bradley Miller wrote:
>>>He does have a few good points in there . . . I suppose some 
>>zealots have
>>>taken the advocacy issues a bit far.   Ahem.
>>>-- Bradley Miller
>>majordomo at kclug.org
>>majordomo at kclug.org

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