Head & Rotor VE(CHINA-LuTong) 2/23

DCT Jared Smith jared at dctkc.com
Tue Feb 26 15:16:53 CST 2002

> Is it just me, or is this REALLY annoying?

Well, you could look at it in the obvious way, which you
just did, or you could see it as a window into Chinese
entrepreneurial efforts which you would normally not

Here we have something beautiful, which is someone who is
spamming wide and far to sell something so obscure that
it's really funny. It's not like the X-Cam, with its
tantalizing soft-porn sell, no, it's a classic case of "All
your base are us." I've received it in my personal e-mail,
and also on the kclug list, so I know it's a wide-spectrum

I think, to assuage you of the annoying things in your life
I might say, "Worry not over those things you have no control."
In other words, to me its annoying to see you spam the kclug
list with comments about how annoying spam is. Tell me
something I _don't_ know.

Lastly, I like this spam particularly because it shows
how Chinese manufacturers are increasingly going to be using
the Internet to cut out the middleman. They have in the past
been hired by Bosch to build rotors. Now, having the
skill to build Bosch-quality rotors, they are seeking to
use the Internet to contact customers directly. This is
great! I think this particular spam is historical, and
though I anticipate if they succeed, we'll be targetted
by billions of spammers from China, I gotta commend these
guys for their leap of faith into American cyberspace...



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