Linux camera #2

Bradley Miller bradmiller at
Tue Feb 19 14:55:51 CST 2002

In case any of you have been vaguely following along, I've been
experimenting with Linux based camera setups for multiple webcams at the
Lake of the Ozarks.  I purchased the Axis 2100 series cameras and have been
trying to make them work, but I've given up all hope of using them.  I've
switched over to the Stardot Technologies cameras and so far have had great
luck getting them installed and running. 

The Axis camera goes WAY up in price for a model that will deal with
outdoor pictures (adjustable iris) and it keeps having lockup issues with
dial-up connections.  I have to call and have the cameras reset manually
(pull the plug to the camera) to clear the log file.  I suspect there might
be a tweak to fix the log file, but the Stardot cameras don't have this
problem and I think the optics are a bit better.

(Both cameras are Linux based . . . )

-- Bradley Miller

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