OT-Re: Comcast

Marvin Bellamy Marvin.Bellamy at innovision.com
Fri Feb 15 14:33:27 CST 2002

Amen, brudda!  I don't know if my fellow countrymen are blind or stupid. 
 All this flag-waving, and no one is paying attention to the gross 
violoations of our rights under the guise of a so-called wartime 
environment.  We've got American citizens being thrown in jail for NO 
reason for months at a time (I'm sorry...detained not arrested); no 
charges just vague speculation (and I'm not even talking about Lindh). 
 People always forget that these extreme measures to get the "bad guy" 
always end up setting a precedent for the G-men to use against YOU!

Jim Herrmann wrote:

>What Comcast is doing is totally trival to what John Asscroft and his cronies 
>are doing.  Collecting a little marketing data on people is one thing, but 
>evesdropping on attorney client conversations is quite another.  I'm not 
>saying Comcast is just in what they are doing, it's just that there are far 
>more outrageous and dangerous and unconstitutional violations of civil 
>liberties going on in the US right now for me to get worked up about.  If you 
>want to talk about liberty infringement, let's talk about thousands being 
>jailed and held without being charged with a crime.  Let's talk about the 
>totally mis-named "PATRIOT" act or the DCMA.  Then we'll be talking about 
>On Thursday 14 February 2002 09:11 am, Adam Turk wrote:
>>I believe what everyone has said, but if something must be done, then
>>someone must do it. Why quibble over conspiracy theories? They're just
>>theories until proven. We as a people seem to have been trained out of
>>activism by the wonderful, cloistered lives we live, where our voices
>>don't count and our rules are only followed by us. We're better informed
>>and more worldly trained than past generations. Information on anything
>>is available to us. We can make good decisions. We can see the bad from
>>the good. But arm-chair activism never worked. Neither does standing on
>>the street with a sign. It's the digital age. Find services that work
>>without being watched. Network. Don't centralize. Go around, not
>>through. They will always try to gather 'marketing statistics'. They
>>always have. Information isn't just readily available to us, but also to
>>them. Privacy is a right, it's a freedom. Yes, it will protect the bad,
>>but it will enlighten the good, which is far more profound. Liberty is
>>dangerous, but it's the safest thing we have.

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