The C is dead, long live the Perl

DCT Jared Smith jared at
Thu Feb 7 14:51:32 CST 2002

> Yes, C is like Latin. No nation on earth uses Latin as a common tongue.
> Therefore, it never changes - it is dead. I am not blasting C, I am an
> ardent supporter of the langauge and code almost entirely in it (and/or
> C++, of course). C is something like THE cornerstone of the tower, the
> one brick that without which the whole tower would be very short. C is
> arguably the one language we cannot let go of. From it springs all other
> contemporary languages.

I thought that Perl was the fountain, yes, yes, C is older and Perl is
written in C, what I mean is I thought that Perl was the fountain from
which springs all other contemporary languages... its what I still think,
in fact.


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