DSL help please

zscoundrel zscoundrel at kc.rr.com
Wed Oct 10 01:30:02 CDT 2001

Yup, it does.  Mine works fine.

David Rush wrote:

>> SWBell, and some other DSL providers, use PPPoE instead of Ethernet, 
>> and I don't know of any embedded routers that can handle that.  I've 
>> built one Linux box to do firewall/routing over it, but many 
>> protocols, particularly SSH and most VPN won't work.
> I believe my LinkSys router (BEFSR41) supports PPPoE.  You may need to 
> upgrade your LinkSys software (requires Windoze to do :^P).
> I *think* it supports VPNs of some sort or another... but I'm not 
> sure.  No reason SSH shouldn't work - it'll just do a pass-through.
> David

At 20, I was liberal, because I had nothing to lose and so much to gain.
by 40, I was conservative, because I had so much to lose and so little to gain.
Isn't it amazing what 20 years of hard work and experience will do for ones' point of view?

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