RPM Lament

Louis Faasen louisf at medikredit.co.za
Fri May 25 11:05:24 CDT 2001

I also tried the source code first but when I came to the stage that it
could not compile I just left it there, For example, I do not have FTP
rights beyond company firewall. so to get any http sites to download
source code.. I find then few and far in between.

By the way, try to get kde2.1 going.

I am currently on rpm 3.0.4. where can I get version 4 of rpm that does
not need some prior version of version 4 to get from rpm 3 to rpm 4.

Please  !!!

Louis Faasen
082 821 1879
+27 11 770 6119
+27 12 679 4793

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