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DCT Jared Smith jared at
Fri Dec 14 20:53:14 CST 2001

Typically, demanding that people meet the 
lowest common denominator is a proposition
which requires a degree of patience, for
it is, in fact, impossible by virtue of force alone.

Ie. Advocates of the simple life are best left
off the billboards, lest the simple life be
perceived as complicated, like everything
else on the billboards.

Ie. You want text-only e-mail? Write a bit
of script that strips out "document.innerText"
for each incoming e-mail. That's the Linux
solution, is it not?

The Perl solution went like this. When
Larry Wall had finished the first version
of Perl, and he knew he had a great
toolkit for everyone to use, he refused
to throw it into the 'advocacy' pits by
creating a perl newsgroup. Here is how
he got around it. He and a few others
quietly remained on C and Unix news-
groups and answered people's questions
competently... in C and Unix. Then he
would conclude the answer with a note
like this: "... and if you really wanted to
solve it right, you'd use Perl like this..."
and he'd give the Perl solution as well.

I personally believe this is why Perl has
such a devoted following--he never
displaced anyone; simply offered a better
way. Quietly, politely.

Someone have a place I can pay these
two cents in my pocket?


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