Urgent Mysql problem

Steven L. Brendtro sbrendtro at home.com
Thu Aug 23 23:48:16 CDT 2001

I was just maintaining my database, changed an access priviledge for a
specific user through MyPHPAdmin and then flushed the privileges from the
shell client for Mysql.

I tried reloading my web application and it couldn't connect to MySQL.  I
did some checking and found that I couldn't even log in anymore....

Out of 10 accounts, none allows me to log in, though I can see mysql
processes running.  I restarted the server but that didnt help either.

I tried restarting with --skip-grant-tables and logging in as root... that
was fine, but then I couldn't access any tables (ie the User table was not

I am lost here... How do I get back into the database to reset things if I
am completely locked out?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Steve B.

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