AMIOPEN: Linux, free software and its industry. (Was: Loki Software seems to have filed for bankruptcy.)

Gerald Combs gerald at
Mon Aug 20 18:08:25 CDT 2001

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, JD Runyan wrote:

> License enforcement is the issue here.  Many of the OSS community don't
> have the money to enforce thier licenses, or to keep track of who might
> be infringing on that license.

This sounds like a great idea for a web site (the part about tracking who
bundles OS products, that is).  Not only would it help authors keep track
of how their product is bundled and distributed, it could also generate
good PR for OS products.  At the very least this functionality could be
added to Freshmeat.

BTW, just because an author might not have the resources to fight a
violation legally doesn't mean they can't fight at all.  I don't think it
would be too difficult to wage a publicity war via Slashdot or The
Register, for instance.

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