AMIOPEN: Linux, free software and its industry. (Was: Loki Software seems to have filed for bankruptcy.)

Monty Harder lists at
Mon Aug 20 03:54:05 CDT 2001

8/18/01 5:26:03 PM, Mike Coleman <mkc at> wrote:

>> source if you don't "distribute" object code.  IANAL, so I don't begin to
>> understand where The Line is between simply using code and "distributing" it,
>> but I'm sure there is something very important about this wording.
>Yes.  My guess is that they want individual users personally using their own
>code to have great latitude and that they want development teams to do
>development without necessarily having to distribute source to all of the
>intermediate versions.  

  So how's this for a scenario:  A company installs modified GPLed software on computers that it 
owns, but leases to 
customers.  Have they "distributed" anything?

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