Paint the moon?

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Tue Aug 14 21:03:58 CDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Hutchins [mailto:hutchins at]
> This sounds like fun.  The article points out that it may not 
> be practical
> as conceived, but if we could get word out to some people with bigger,
> better lasers it might happen after all!

It doesn't require bigger, better lasers. It could be done with laser
pointers. The problem isn't power, but beam diffusion. Most laser diodes
have terrible diffusion past a couple of hundred feet. This can be fixed
with some optics. What you ideally want are holographic quality lasers with
optic pieces to refocus, normalize and "parallelize" (a word I made up to
describe the word I forgot) the beam (and hopefully capable of true TEM00

 As to how many people it would take, that depends on how big a spot you
want to make. I wonder if this person is trying to get a "continuous" spot
or a "pixel" spot. It would take a great many more people to make a
continuous spot than a pixel spot. Since the eye has a very limited
resolution, all that would be necessary would be to paint "billions and
billions" of spots or maybe millions or even thousands of spots.


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