Code Red II

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Mon Aug 6 20:07:53 CDT 2001

According to SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security), there's
a new strain of Code Red active.  Among other things, this particular trojan
will only run on Windows 2000; it will crash NT4.  This should result in a
pretty thorough clean-up of vulnerable systems, as a crashed system is
likely to be patched, but "it's running fine, why should we worry about it"
systems aren't as likely to be taken care of.

By the same reasoning that vulnerable systems are the result of "lazy"
admins, we can expect a majority of them to be NT4 (why upgrade if you don't
have to?), so this should clean 'em out.

SANS article on Code Red:

On Code Red 2:

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