Looking for a Job Op

Aravind Gottipati a_gottipati at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 4 13:18:07 CDT 2001

    I am currently working as a system administrator for a dot com
company in KC area. I am looking for a more stable job, I was wondering
if any of you had any openings or contacts that you knew about.  I would
appreciate it if you could forward my resume or give me any contact
information that I could use.
    This is a link to my html resume. Please take a look at it and do
contact me if you want it in any other format. Its at
I do apologize for spamming the list with such a request.

thank you,

Don't look for the meaning of life! It may have no meaning, or, even 
worse, it may have a meaning of which you disapprove.
							-- Anonymous

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