Traffic rants

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Wed Nov 22 10:54:57 CST 2000

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Kendric Beachey wrote:

> Forget trying to drive a car around in DC.  There's no need when the
> subway system ("The Metro") is so good.  Where it won't take you, the
> bus probably will, and if it doesn't, just take a cab and let a local,
> who's familiar with the area, deal with the traffic.  Visitors
> especially don't need cars if they're staying in any decent hotel,
> because most of them have shuttle vans that will take you to the
> nearest Metro stop (if you can't just walk a few blocks).

Ah, but that doesn't work if you're flying into DC and going to training
in Silver Springs.  Besides, I wanted to see DC, and it's hard to do that
under the ground or on foot.  I love getting a driving feel for a town
(maybe it's because I'm from LA).

> As long as we idiots here in KC keep voting down light rail, we will
> be cutting our city off at the knees, keeping it from taking the next
> step into becoming a truly important and cosmopolitan city.

Couldn't disagree more.  Kansas City certainly does not need light rail.
The only mass transit system I would recommend is a frequent bus line from
downtown to the plaza.  Rail systems are _expensive_, and most taxpayers
won't relish spending _billions_ on a rail system.  Let's see, 500,000
residents of KCMO.  $1,000,000 divided by 500,000 = $2,000.  Lot of money
for most folks, especially the poor ones who can't afford it.

Kansas City is a medium sized city.  It has plenty of parking (relative to
bigger cities), and except for the Plaza/Westport area has excellent
access to highways.

As someone who pays a frighteningly large amount of taxes (it amazes me
how much I spend on taxes and how little I get), I'm generally against
large public expenditures without obvious payback.  Perhaps others feel
different.  I would think that if light rail was so needed, there'd be
private enterprise chomping at the bit to provide it (without huge

Heh, time to get off my soapbox.

| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at         o-----------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "I love you, I won't kill you.  Unless  |
| Network Systems Management |  I discover that you're worth more when |
| Sprint Communications      |  you're dead."                          |
o----------------------------|  -- Danger Bob                          |
                             |  "Slow Dance with Boba Fett"            |

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