Anyone want to borrow any Linux installation CDs?

Tony Hammitt thammitt at
Mon Jan 31 17:29:03 CST 2000

Why can't we just try and reserve some meeting room in a public
library or something.  That's what the now defunct KC Be user
group used to do.  I believe they needed some notice but that's
about it.

Or you could come over to my house.  I only saw 20 or so people
at the December meeting, we'd all fit in here somewhere.

These are my ideas.  Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

Just let's _please_ not go two months in a row without having
a meeting.  It doesn't look good.



Mac wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, David Goth wrote:
> > Hello all. New list person here. There is a possibility that I'll make it to
> > the meeting Wednesday.
> I might have missed something, but I was under the impression there was
> not going to be a meeting this Wed. because there was no place to hold
> it.  Could someone confirm or disconfirm  this. I noticed
> hasn't changed any and so it could be
> misleading to some.
> Mac

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