Web site development- feel free to delete...

Dies_Irae tom at kclinux.com
Fri Jan 21 01:22:13 CST 2000

Currently the thread about the Kclug website has really become odd. While
everyone has wonderful ideas about the site and what should be done, that's all
that's happened in the meantime. I have never before heard of "Conquering by
Committee", but this is an excellent example thereof.
How about this: (you need a moderator for this one, I would be happy to help,
if I can) Just whoever wants to do the site, send the moderator their name.
When all done, The moderator sends the list out to the group and everyone votes
(blind ballot, send your votes to the moderator) and moderator announces it to
the group. After that's all done with, everyone send the newly dubbed
'webmaster' 1-2 good ideas and let him cook it up and be done with it. The
first gentleman who did the site just couldn't do it any longer and now it's to
a point where a decision has to be made, right?
While I have checked out the site by Chris and thought it was a nice step in
the right direction, but I am also sad that Robert had a perfectly wonderful
site _already_made_looking_for_others_to_contribute_
and_take_over_for_the_good_of_KCLug_ and it was completely ignored. Now it's a
404 Not Found. It was pretty much the original site with some nice graphics and
Lynx friendly and still wasn't good enough. He and Paul made Kclinux the
extremely busy and fun site it is now. My hat's off to you, Robert. You did a
great job and I appreciate it!!!

If the voting thing doesn't work for you and you would perfer to make it all go
away, then fine. No use hitting "reply" and making a new, bandwidth-chewing
thread. Just delete and be done with it.  I like action and would love to help
with this, but only if there's foward momentum in the process :)

P.S. Is there _any_ idea if there will be another meeting, we have a new user
to the list who has posted twice and no responses came of it. Has anyone
replied to him to let him know anything?

tom at kclinux.com
Chief Moderator, Message boards
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

"Do or don't do. There is no 'try'"
-- Yoda


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