
Ripcrd6 ripcrd6 at worldinter.net
Wed Jan 19 18:56:29 CST 2000

First off, Rich is not a newbie and is probably ignoring this whole
flame-ridden thread.   He uses Linux and NT on a daily basis.  If you come
to a meeting before slinking away he may even show you some of his cool
hardware that I regularly drool over.  On his work desktop he runs RedHat
6.x and VMware to be able to run NT Workstation and not have it crash.
His newbie status may only lay in some programming, CISCO routers and HTML.
HTML and web pages themselves are not hard to learn, but he is a SYSTEM
ADMINISTRATOR.   Web design is not his job or hobby.

I recall that Rich told the group several months ago in this list about the
ISP that is hosting the page going down in a storm and the box had to be
rebuilt.   He put up a quick and dirty page after ours went down.   He has
maintained it for a while with the tools at hand.   Actually it looks
better now than the old page.   But as far as I know, no one had ideas to
contribute for the page.   We did decide to run a poll that you see there
now.  Rich found a free script to copy to our page to handle this.
Several weeks ago someone had started a PHP template for the page and then
got no input.  Personally PHP confuses me right now.

I say we need to definitely discuss the page and its design at the next
meeting.   Anyone working on ideas for the page please bring examples on
disk or PC to the meeting for discussion.   I work on some myself, I now
have a Homesite Demo and a couple of others to try.  (I don't know enough
to code HTML by hand and have it come out worth a crap.)

Aaron, don't just do a drive-by flame and then not contribute at a meeting.
It sounds like you may know quite a bit and be a valuable resource (and a
kick in the pants that we need).   Give us time to get to now you and may
even enjoy a meeting.

I think the key item here is that KCLUG meetings are about helping people
get acquainted with Linux and promoting Linux as a viable desktop/server OS
alternative.   That said, our page is pretty important and so is the
upcoming Linuxfest in KC.

Oh Hell, I can't concentrate right now.  Transmeta is making their big
announcement and I'm giddy.
More Later,
----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Norton <anorton98 at earthlink.net>

> Just to clear everyone up a little. I was never flaming the person that
> built the site. If in fact he is a newbie, then I think he deserves a
> of applause for his efforts.
> I was questioning the KCLUG group as a whole. Someone should have stepped
> forward and said "Hey, I see you built our website using frontpage. How
> about I show you how to use another product so we are not advocating
> Microsoft."
> I was not part of this group at that time or I would have offered some
> assistance. I am not an artist and am horrible at design, but I can do
> code if someone tells me what they want.
> I'm sure someone is thinking "OK so why don't you go ahead and fix it
> you are the person that started this whole thing anyway?" The reason I
> not is because after this thread is over I will probably unsubscribe from
> your mailing list. If nobody will help a newbie build the website that is
> represent your group, how good can your meetings be.
> I would rather drive 1 1/2 hours to go to a meeting where people help
> other out.
> In conclusion, if you want to say I was flaming anyone, say I was flaming
> the group as a whole. I would never flame a newbie for putting forth the
> effort that other members of this group would not.

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