New Stuff, Corel File Manager, Linux Opera

Evan Hoff evanh23 at
Wed Jan 19 13:39:09 CST 2000

take cheer..

(beware 34mb file)

i realize now that they have to release
their source for their kde mod's because
the original kde was released under the 
GPL (forcing theirs) not sure how this
affects CorelExplorer..too bad they dont
seem to read their email though..

Evan Hoff
evanh23 at

Chris Midkiff <cmidkiff at> wrote:
In an earlier post, I mentioned that I installed Corel Linux on my test box. 
Everything went well, but it has some problems I'm not willing to live with
spend the time to fix...) Corel's kernel is compiled without IPX support, and
run a novel network.  For some reason, corel's lilo won't boot a custom built
kernel, so I can't even build IPX in... Oh well, I DL'ed and loaded mandrake
7.0.  I'm sure gonna miss the Corel File Manager, though.  I can't find the
package or source for it anywhere.  If anyone finds a way to build Corel's
manager into another distro, please let me know.

Also:  Has anyone else tried Opera for Linux (alpha) yet?  Seems promising,
fast as (heck).  Not fully implemented, nothing fancy yet.  I, for one, am
than willing to pay for good linux software.  Eventually, I'm sure one of the
open source browsers will get better, but I'm pretty sick of NetScape
on me.  Opera is worth a look.  There is not really any install or anything,
just unpack it, and it runs.

<insert silly little sig> Chris Midkiff
cmidkiff at

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