
Bradley Miller bradmiller at dslonramp.com
Mon Jan 17 02:48:48 CST 2000

At 10:17 AM 1/16/00 -0600, you wrote:
<< SNIP >>
>If you're really serious about advocating Linux, you must behave like a car
>salesman.  NO MATTER WHAT the new guy is driving, praise him for showing up
>on the lot.  DO NOT make fun of his old car, even if he decides he doesn't
>like what you're selling.  You think Linux advocacy is a war?  It's not, but
>feel free to continue fighting if you want to.  Just get some new weapons.
>Instead of venom, spite and anger, try patience, sympathy and kindness.
<< SNIP >>

Amen!   Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft, but I use it daily in
my job -- if someone can show me the "Linux" way of doing 100% of what I do
now in a month's worth of learning timeframe . . . I'd gladly switch.  It's
not going to happen soon -- I still rely on Adobe Photoshop, with filters,
and such.  I'm still using one of the best HTML editors out there
(Homesite) and I still have client sites that we design using Netobjects
Fusion and have dynamic sites using Cold Fusion.   Our customers could care
less if a site is "pure" W3 compliant or whether our software costs $600 or
nothing . . . they need their site up tomorrow and we have to do it.  Oh,
and we have to do it where it looks nice too.  

I too am pretty thick skinned on flame attacks and such, so there is little
use in attempting to start a war here.  I'm trying to learn what I can as
quickly as I can, but I'm still going to have to be on MS lifesupport for
quite a while.  My next goal is putting in a Linux/Apache/PHP/Mysql box for
a hosting alternative to my NT/IIS/Cold Fusion/Access&SQL box.  Let's stop
trying to attack each other and start pulling towards a cohesive user group
for sharing knowledge on this great new MS alternative.

(This kind of stuff reminds me of the IBM vs. Mac or Amiga stuff . . . )

-- Bradley Miller

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