No meeting on Wednesday, January 5th

Ripcrd6 ripcrd6 at
Mon Jan 10 18:18:47 CST 2000

You might want to send a message to the list with a new subject line so it
doesn't become buried in this thread ever deeper.   The message might read:
would everyone like to see a presentation on the glories of Linuxcare and
what I do for them.   Subtitled: I get to work at home in my underwear.
Or something to that effect.
I personally would like to hear from you.

Most of our meetings are sort of informal.   We try to have one main topic
for the evening, which we start out with, usually a how to.    We then
spend the rest of the meeting with open discussion and helping seekers of
knowledge.  That sounded sublime, didn't it.   Gawd, I'm a wordy ba***rd.
Sorry, I don't get out much.   Actually we help people get their boxes
running and fix niggling little and big problems.   Then of course we drool
over the cool hardware Rich has to play with on a daily basis or was that
just me.

So feel free to suggest it as a meeting topic, be an original.

Former Y2K Flunky

----- Original Message -----
From: <WWryoung at>
To: <kclug at>
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: kclug - No meeting on Wednesday, January 5th

> Not that I know of.  Anyway I had AOL before I was with Linuxcare.  Also
> wife uses it.
> I am still trying to determine who to contact in the KClug about the
> addressing the meeting.
> Randy Young

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