Free video offer from ViaGrafix

Bradley Miller bradmiller at
Sun Jan 2 18:24:43 CST 2000

I requested one of those free learning Linux video's from ViaGrafix.   My
wife was looking at the credit card statement online and the statement
features the name in all caps so it looked like to her a VIAGRA FIX for
$4.95.   Yes, I had to explain. ;-)   

All in all it's a very basic tutorial that assumes a user knows a little
bit about a pc and that . . . it doesn't go much into anything on what an
operating system is or what makes it different than Windows.  It does
explain the open source concept and what makes Linux great, but if you
don't know anything about DOS from a Windoz standpoint, it's a little
intimidating I'm sure.

I basically had all the concepts it listed under my belt.  There was a few
new things I picked up, like the tab key to get the functions available and
the Ctrl-L to clear the screen.  I think it was $4.95 worth of instruction,
and it was worth the entertainment of my wife retelling the "viagra-fix"
story to friends and family.  

The video is available from through Jan 15th.

-- Bradley Miller

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