Distributed.net team

Randy Rathbun randy at middlewest.com
Fri Nov 5 14:37:05 CST 1999

Okay, I have set up the Kansas City Linux Users Group team on distributed.net.

The name of the team is: Kansas City Linux Users Group

If you want to join the team, use this link:

If you want to view the team stats, just use this link (won't be active until
after 0000 UTC tonight while the stats are processed):

I am sure a lot of folks are probably scratching their heads saying to
themselves, "What the heck is this about?" so here is a brief synopsis:

distributed.net is the world's largest computer. You donate your spare CPU
cycles to various efforts by running the distributed.net client on your
machine(s). The client is small, can be run in the background, is
unobtrusive, and you won't even know it is running. 

Right now the main effort is to compute keys to try and break RC5-64
encryption, but the possibilities for just what can go on are almost endless.
Besides cracking RC5-64, there are efforts a few times a year to crack DES
encryption and there is also soon to be an effort underway in the upcomming
weeks to determine Optimal Golumb Rulers (OGR), which are used in various
scientific fields such as radio astronomy and sensor placements for x-ray

You can check out more information about distributed.net at

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