JavaScript in Mozilla not working right in M$ OS

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Fri Feb 20 19:59:16 CST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Kelsay 
> Did you get that JRE installed correctly?  I know you need 
> that for java applets to work.  On the WebFeatures page of 
> the browser Options on Firefox, there are a couple of check 
> boxes to enable java and enable JavaScript.
1) JavaScript has nothing to do with java. A lot of people either
forget that or don't know it. 
Java was created by Sun.
JavaScript was created by Netscape,

and they got permission from Sun to use Java in the name. 
JavaScript as far as I know is built into Mozilla. But again M$
has their own stinking version. And this is the kicker. If I
launch Explorer and try the JavaScript buttons on this particular
website (one my company made) it works. But not if I use Mozilla!

2) I turned on everything I could think of and still no luck.

Maybe there is some plug-in that says "imitate stupid M$ JavaScript"?


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