Proxy of some sorts

Charles Steinkuehler charles at
Mon Feb 16 21:31:38 CST 2004

Steven Schermerhorn wrote:
> I am wondering if someone knows of software out there that will help me
> accomplish something.
> We are a subscriber to a website that grants us access to it based on the
> requesting IP address. I would like to allow staff to logon to the intranet
> and then 'trick' this website into thinking it is serving one of our IPs
> when in fact it is a user off-site.
> I realize this can be done by setting up a proxy, however setting people's
> computers up to go through a proxy isn't an option. Is there software out
> there that can redirect/proxy websites.

There are lots of possible solutions to this, but pretty much all will 
require some form of proxy at the 'real' IP which is authorized to 
access the remote resource.  A transparent proxy would likely be the 
easiest to setup (squid can do this easily).  Just make sure you 
carefully lock down any proxy you make available for remote users, or 
you'll quickly find your bandwidth pegged with folks doing all sorts of 
nasty things.

Your remote users can access the proxy resource via something as complex 
as a full-blown VPN or something as simple as a hosts file that 
re-directs the remote domain(s) you're trying to access.

Charles Steinkuehler
charles at

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