[OT] partialy I was wondering what suggestions for programing

DCT Jared jsmith at datacaptech.com
Mon Feb 16 21:21:58 CST 2004

RE: programmers who like to document:

I'm glad someone else responded to this thread; I am weary of
people who think that geeks are incompetent and hide this fact
by making it difficult for others to understand what they're doing.

In fact, a true geek is very competent, and works hard to make
his efforts available to others, and would never admit to such attitude.

Job security by weak documentation is job security in a low-stress,
low-salary low-quality work environment, a small business which
will soon implode as a failed small business. Any other real work 
environment would fire a person for such an attitude, because it
is usually indicative of a host of other arrogant behaviors. Usually
such a programmer leaves, thinking "they" were wrong, when in
fact, he is, so it's hard to make this point clear to such folks.

Good documentation is actually high job security; aside from ensuring
you a job, the code has longevity as well: good documentation means
that your code is used well into the future instead of being scrapped
at the first opportunity for obsolescense.

Roughly one third of my lines of code per day are comments, and
when I get back to my own code months from now, I know exactly
how to fix it, quickly. Job security for this mediocre programmer.

>One idea needs to be born in mind in regards to documentation.  Reinventing
>the wheel has a tendancy to cost a lot of money, and documentation (like
>pseudocode) is only a roadmap.
>Therefore, if you refrain from documenting your work, you'll only gain job

>>Pseudocode is for programmers who like to document.
>>Of course, documentation can lead to a loss of job security... :)

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