Never ceases to amaze

pthurmond at pthurmond at
Tue Apr 8 21:53:00 CDT 2003

       Well my component swapping experience has not been so fair with
Linux. However to level the playing field a bit lets start comparing
the most recent copies of both Windows and Linux. I am sorry but trying
to compare 98 to current day Linux is going to leave Windows at an
Obvious disadvantage. 
       As for installing CDRW drives on Windows 98 or later, I don't
know what you were smoking when you put it together I have never had a
problem with swapping any IDE drives around on Windows, that includes
CDRW and DVD. If Roxio is your problem thats a completely different
ballpark. We are talking about Windows vs. Linux, not Roxio versus
       As for Roxio 6, I haven't played with it yet, but its always
best to let it exist a few months and get its first updates before you
get the product.

On 04-08-2003 12:34 pm, Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins at>

> I have a P III 450 here running W98 that is responsible for grabbing
> pictures off of the digital camera - other than that, it runs SETI. 
It would 
> be running a web cam, but the W98 video drivers go offline if the
> comes up.
> I've been thinking of throwing the AMD 900 motherboard that's down in
> basement in there, but I don't have any idea what make or model the
> is, I have no specs and no drivers for it.  If I swap motherboards on
a "live" 
> W98 installation, it's going to have fits about the drivers, and it's
> I'd ever get it running right even if I did a clean installation.
> Linux, on the other hand, would be easy.  Set it to boot a generic
kernel if 
> I'd customised, swap boards, and boot.
> On CD drives:  Yes, Windows has no trouble with swapping CD drives. 
CD-R/RW is 
> another matter though, the interface is not standardised.  When I
shelled out 
> the money for a full version of EZ CD Creator, now by Roxio, I lost
the ability 
> to use the RW features on my HP drive.  Linux still does both just
fine, and at 
> full available speed.  
> Speaking of which, Tech TV was attempting to do a pro-manufacturer
review of 
> Roxio's v.6 of that piece of crap, but they couldn't.  The preceeding
> help had just failed to help someone who had trashed his system
installing it, 
> and they had to say that there are reports all over the net that this
$80 bomb 
> will at best not work as expected, at worst will completely trash
your hard 
> drive.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> This mail sent through tarcanfel's horde/imp system
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